Building a World-class technology start-up without having to check every expertise box on your founding team
Get the constant insights and network access of a team of proven entrepreneurs and product experts in the earliest stages of your company’s life, and still retain the vast majority of your company’s equity.
Minimize hiring and staffing challenges when funding is inevitably erratic early on – just scale the team and key execution functions up and down as needed in the early days.
Don’t waste money building too much or staffing up key full-time roles before you have gotten through the early stages of the venture, where you are likely to morph and evolve your concept dramatically as it develops into a full vision.
LiftOff believes in providing core entrepreneurial value. As the Internet matures, services have emerged for a wide range of legal, HR, and infrastructure support, and the peripheral elements of building a company have gotten much easier.
Adding peripheral value can nevertheless be a significant help to entrepreneurs, but creation of core value, whether strategy, product, UX, engineering, marketing, business development, or fund raising is a game changer and it’s hard to raise significant financing before defining, building and launching an MVP (Minimum Viable Product)